Monroe Animal Hospital

179 Prospect Plains Road
Monroe Township, NJ 08831


Neuter Tour


The following are actual pictures from a dog neuter.


We recommend doing pre-operative bloodwork on all of our patients prior to anesthesia.  This helps to ensure safety by looking for pre-existing conditions that could affect the patient.  

Blood being drawn for pre-surgery bloodwork at the Monroe Animal Hospital


The patient is given medications to prevent discomfort and to relax them prior to anesthesia

A dog relaxing after receiving pre-medication at the Monroe Animal Hospital before being neutered


An intravenous catheter is placed to administer fluids, anesthetics, and additional pain medications.  The fluids and pain medications will be continued until the patient is discharged later in the day.

An IV catheter being placed on a dog before neuter surgery at the Monroe Animal Hospital


Using a larygnoscope an endotracheal tube is placed to ensure an open airway and to deliver gas anesthetics.

A breathing tube bing placed before surgery at the Monroe Animal Hospital


The surgical site is shaved

A surgery site being shaved for neuter surgery at the Monroe Animal Hospital


A local anesthetic is injected into the surgical site to prevent sensation and further aide in patient comfort

A local anesthetic injection before neutering at the Monroe Animal Hospital


All patients are monitored for heart rate, blood pressure (pictured), respiratory rate, electrocardiogram, and pulse oximetry (percent of blood oxygen)

Anesthesia monitoring including blood pressure at the Monroe Animal Hospital


While the doctor disinfects and scrubs for surgery, the technician is scrubbing the patient's surgical site

Dr. Hornstein scrubbing for surgery at the Monroe Animal Hospital

Carolyn Miller, a technician at the Monroe Animal Hospital scrubbing a dog before neuter surgery


A sterile surgical pack is opened and the patient is covered with a drape

Dr. Hornstein draping a dog before neuter surgery at the Monroe Animal Hospital


A testicle is pushed out of the scrotum and an incision is made over it.  The testicle is removed from the incision.  Its blood vessels are tied off and the testicle removed.

The process is repeated on the opposite side but the same incision is used

Dog neuter at the Monroe Animal Hospital

Dog neuter at the Monroe Animal Hospital

Dog neuter at the Monroe Animal Hospital


The incision is closed with dissolvable sutures placed under the skin.  To aide in tissue strength, a sterile surgical adhesive is applied to the site

Dog neuter at the Monroe Animal Hospital

Dog neuter at the Monroe Animal Hospital


After surgery an application of low level laser therapy is applied to the incision to reduce pain and promote wound healing.  More information on this can be found on our homepage.

Recommended options that can be performed at Spay or Neuter include:

1.  Fluoride foam placement on the teeth.  This helps strengthen the enamel and can only be performed on anesthetized patients

Preventative dentistry at the Monroe Animal Hospital:  Fluoride application


2.  Microchip placement.  This permanent identification device will allow a shelter or veterinarian to identify your pet and notify you if he or she is ever lost and recovered.

Bayer Microchip being placed at the Monroe Animal Hospital before neuter surgery